


yeah yeah, I know I'm getting BIGGER!

How far along? 24 WEEKS aka 6 MONTHS aka The SAFE week.  Basically what I mean by that is that week 24 marks the point in a pregnancy where 98% of babies survive if born pre-mature.  Health conditions may exist, but I'm excited to be past the point of a miscarriage. It's so sad to think about, but my what-if's kick in now and again and I try to prepare myself for what could happen.  I haven't been told I have a risk of a miscarriage or anything like that, but it's just reassuring to know that there is a high chance that we'll be able to to meet and bond with this baby when he/she decides it's time. 
Oh yes I did! ;)

Total weight gain/loss:  I have an appointment on 6/27, we'll get more accurate measure then!  I look back on my first two months when I was so worried that I was getting too big too fast…and you can't even tell I'm pregnant. What was I thinking??  I think maybe it was because my pants were getting tighter and couldn't button.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new!  Still living in my belly band and maxi dresses! I find myself rotating the same shirts for work.  I'm thinking I have to look for some black stretchy pants for work, it's becoming a struggle to fit my hips into my pre-pregnancy work pants lately.

Stretch marks?  Nope! But, i do have a faint linea negra (which is that line pregnant women get down the center of the belly) and I have this crazy noticeable green vein on the side of my belly, probally because my skin is so fair.
Highlights this week:   A New Baby Girl, FINALLY!
Baby Adelie  was welcomed into this world on 6/22/13 at 9lbs and 21 inches. Mommy is doing just fine, both mommy and daddy are loving life with her  in theirs!  Awe, I just can't wait until this moment with my own precious baby! 

Precious baby Adelie



Cousins: Jacee, Will & Adelie


Mama, me, and baby Adelie

Dentist Appointment!
Had a dentist appointment this week and I have no cavities or issues!  Yay!  I've heard that some pregnancies will cause issues with your teeth and gums and was anxious to see how my mouth was doing!  The dentist gave me information about baby dental health.  She said that the baby should come in fir their first visit anywhere from the first tooth that is being cut (around 6 months) and 1 year of age.   She told me that there is a "training" toothpaste by Orajel that the baby should use until 4-5 years old (until the child can spit).  The hygienist asked tons of questions and shared some stories about her pregnancies and mentioned that there are 3 things that a woman should go home with after she gives birth: pain meds, her baby, and a bite splint.  She said the bite splint will manage the stress that your mouth, jaw, teeth endure when you're under sleep deprivation and stress in the beginning.  I was given some pamphlets about dental health during pregnancy and also dental health for baby, info on thumbsucking, and was told not to worry about which type of pacifier the baby will take if they baby even takes one.  The dentist said that comforting the baby is most important, and teeth can always be fixed.

Father's  Day!
What a great day it was!  Will had his Dad, Grandpa Bill (dad's dad) and his mom's dad Grandpa Jim over with their wives.  Tesia, Will's sister, came over too.  It was a beautiful day with great company.  We had William Henry Burns 3rd, 4th, and 5th, here.  And, if this baby is a boy the 6
th was present too!  We failed to get a picture of the generations though! L  We were having such a good time eating good food and visiting it just slipped all of our minds.
I went ahead and got Will this shirt for father's day.  I couldn't wait…plus I thought it would but cute for him to wear when the baby is being born/or after for pictures
J.  So, the shirt will go in our hospital bag, once I start to pack that.  I have a couple of months yet before I worry about packing that though.

My dad was thinking about coming out to our house on Saturday before Father's day because he was scheduled to work on Father's day, but he decided not to make the 2.5 hour drive being so tired (working a lot).

Daddy-to-be father's day gift for Will! We're packing this
in the hospital bag! ;)
Baby Shower fun!
It was so fun planning a baby shower for one of my friends who is due beginning of Sept!  Here is a quick snipet of the décor...I love being creative!  All the ladies had a good time and mommy and daddy to be were spoiled with goodies for baby, so I'd say it was a success!  
I have to give a shout out to a friend started business sewing for babies.  I invested in her help for some custom gifts for mama to be!  It was so fun to give her the custom made items from Jessica's Custom Creations!  Check out her out!  

Made by Jessica's Custom Creations:
wash cloths, bib, diaper burp cloths, diaper & wipe holder, paci clip
and carseat straps!

I crocheted a gender neutral (because mommy and daddy aren't finding out if baby is boy or girl) hat and some leg warmers for baby!  And, I made my frist maternity sash for mama-to-be!

Crochet maternity sash for mama-to-be!

Another update: I can't believe I forgot to mention that we chose a child care option for when I go back to work.  About a month ago we decided to go with the CDC in Augusta, MI.  It's a pretty small Child Development Center and very controlled. They also take cloth diapers if that is what parents decide to do.  This was a major selling factor.  I also stumbled upon the point that since the daycare is so close, I could nurse baby during my lunch break.  SUPER plus!
New baby items:
We had our neighbors over for dinner one night this week and they brought over a gift for babyB!!  They said their daughter has one for her kids and it worked great, for transition to the tub, for travel, it has a temperature sensor too!  And, it's adorable…Quack Quack!  ;)

I recieved a pregnancy vodo doll from a friend who is actually moving to Germany soon! Never knew these existed, but it's a cute idea.  She said she received it as a gift from her shower and is passing on as good luck to me and baby! So thoughtful! We'll miss you Meg Meg!

Notice all of the pinned hopes!
Scored a green & white polka dot bean bag chair from a friend who was having a garage sale!  She ended up giving it to me for FREE!  Thanks so much Jen Rayman and Mama Rayman!!  I can see baby lounging in this quite often as an infant, a toddler, and a big kid!  Who knows, maybe even high school and college! haha.  It goes super perfect in the gecko green nursery, which is coming along very nicely!  We should have the crib up soon.

Hanging to dry after a successful wash in the machine!
Will has been becoming my personal electrician!!  He certainly has learned the wiring in our house (which I hear from him is crazy) by replacing many outlets and light switches!  All of the bedrooms upstairs are getting an update!  The baby's room and the spare bedroom upstairs is complete with child proof outlets, some outlets have nightlights built into them (pretty cool) and dimmer light switches!  Our bedroom has this high tech light switch with a dimmer for the light and a speed control for the ceiling fan…he couldn't resist even though it was a pricy little gadget.

Still only halfway done on BabyB's blankey I'm crocheting, not progress has been made on it since my last update.  It looks like I'll be able to work on it more now, hoping to share it with you all soon!  I'm really happy with how it's turning out!

Movement?  Yup!  Seeing more crazy shapes on my belly!  Baby must be stretching and hands, elbows, arms or legs must be making the not so round movements.  Can't identify yet what the baby is pushing with, but I bet that will be cool when we can figure that out!  My belly often becomes lopsided.  I took a video of my belly this week...but haven't figured out how I can share it on here yet.  The movement is an exciting and re-assuring feeling!
Miss anything? Sleeping well… I wake up for various numbness in my arms, cramping in my legs, and I had a migraine one night this week.  BabyB's movements at night are more active at night too, more so when I change sleep positions.
Food cravings?   A typical day for me will be a glass of milk, banana, oatmeal with brown sugar or Chiobani greek yogurt with honey and almonts in the morning, occasionally I'll stop and get half a cup of decaf coffee and the other half hot chocolate from the gas station on the way to work, fruit to snack on for mid morning, lunch is normally out with a BLT sandwich, salad, or soup. Dinner is normally pizza, venison, chicken, spaghetti (we don't get too fancy).  Lots of water during the day and during  meals.  All of that satisfies my taste buds.
Gender:  A little girl told me she hopes it's a girl, and a friend (guy) told me he thinks baby is a girl.  Tesia told me she thinks she's made up her mind and says it's a boy.  One of Will's high school friends came over and he saw the ultrasound pictures, he instantly said "It's a boy, man!" 

Will and I talked about what we'd call babyB if it's a boy and a 6
th generation William Henry Burns.  Will's dad is "Bill", Will is "Will" and I think if this baby is a boy we'll call him "Henry" unless something else sticks.
Belly button in or out?   pretty flat still.
Wedding rights on or off?  On!  Slight swelling at the end of the day but I can still take my ring off and put back on.
Mood/How are you feeling? Positive!  Enjoying the beautiful weather!   Sciatic nerve isn't bugging me as much anymore but I've been waking up a lot to numb hands and arms.  The numbness will happen at times throughout the day too.  I've been having leg cramping at night, along with the numb hands…sleep has been not so quality.  I haven't had much heartburn lately like I've been having it either, which is a great thing!  I've noticed that I can't see as sharp…or as far.  Will sees these birds miles away and points them out to me, and I can't spot them lately.  It's almost like my contacts are dirty, I changed them, and even a fresh new pair won't do the trick.  I've been told to wait to change my prescription until after the baby is born, it might be a temporary thing due to the pregnancy hormones.  I used to have jaw issues, from grinding and clenching my teeth prior to pregnancy and then about 2 months into my pregnancy I had lock jaw, I could only open my mouth about an inch, it was the worst yet, painful and pretty frustrating considering I had braces a couple of years ago to try and correct my jaw problem (dentist thought it was because my teeth didn't fit like they should in my mouth).   The pain went away after about a week or so after wearing my bite splint at night.  I don't wear it on a regular basis like my dentist says I should.  Anyways, since this incident, I haven't had any issues with my jaw, nor have I had any headaches.  I got my bite splint checked and adjusted just in case the issues come about again with my changing pregnant body, and, because it was recommended that I have one that fits properly for after the baby is born (more changes and stress that might irritate it).  I've been noticing shortness of breath too...almost like I can't take a deep breath without coughing.
Looking forward to:  My next baby DR apt is 6/27, it's always something to look forward to!  And, Will and I decided to take a trip up to the UP this upcoming weekend, and hopefully we'll finally be able to take our pictured rocks boat tour!!  We've hiked the trails and been to the look out point, but every time we try to take the boat tour the weather cancels the trip. So, cross your fingers for us!! 
Fitness Report: Staying active, doing squats in the morning and night to keep my legs strong.  Doing my best to keep my abs strong as I can by trying not to use my hands or elbows to help me up and out of bed (just my stomach muscles).  Trying to sit up straight as possible too.  I'm doing this all to stay strong for the labor and delivery.
What I've learned: Breastfeeding helps the baby's immune system. And, the baby has mommy's immune system up to 6 weeks after the baby is born.   Breastfeeding the baby in October-March (flu/cold season) at least is a good idea. Here's to hoping we can make breastfeeding a success!

sleepy laila




Actually taken 6.10.13
How far along? 23 weeks!  Creeping up to 6 months here soon!
Total weight gain/loss:  haven't gained much, about 4lbs according to my scale.
Maternity clothes?   Long maxi dresses J …and I need more to rotate through!  Glad it's summertime and I can get away with wearing them.  May have to invest in a bigger swimsuit top (and bras) …like yesterday!   I'm used to washing my 2 pairs of work pants that fit well, a couple times a week so I can wear them again and again (rather than invest in maternity work pants) but this week we had a power outage for a couple of days and wasn't able to keep up on the laundry like normal.  So, I wore many pairs of jeans to work this week.  I find myself using the hair tie extender method more lately.  The belly band works too, mostly to lengthen my shirts so you can't notice that my pants are unzipped and unbuttoned.

Stretch marks?  Nope! J
Highlights this week:   FL with the girls for Natalie's bachelorette party was a blast considering that the weather was not so hot due to Tropical Storm Andrea!  I planned on staying for 4 days, but only made it 2 (one night) due to the lack of sleep I was getting (HA…what was I thinking?? Did I really think I'd be sleeping during a bachelorette party?!)…anyway, it really caught up with me super fast.  I thought I could be a trooper and keep up prior to the trip but I was wrong!  I knew if I stayed I would have really taken a toll downhill…and wasn't looking forward to a cold while pregnant.  So, I made a decision to head home early and I was fortunate to be able to switch my flight to an earlier one, at no additional cost.   Thanks Delta Airlines!!  There were no hard feelings, I missed the girls the rest of the weekend , but was able to catch up on some rest that this growing baby needs. 

New baby items: I purchased a crib skirt!  It's white and ruffly.  I may or may not keep it.  I bought it because it was easier than making one…but I may become ambitious and want to make my own…we'll see.  And, I was thinking…if the baby is a boy, will the ruffles be too girly?  Should I care?  After all, it's a baby's room, not a teenager's yet… 

I decided to add some color and texture to the nursery by adding homemade curtains instead of using a closet door.  So far I love them way more than a big bulky door.  You'll have to excuse the missing trim, that project is yet to be mastered ;).   The curtains were pretty fun and easy to make.  I bought fabric that I liked and used an iron and some no-sew bonding tape for fabric for the trim.  I'll be using that bonding tape more often because I don't own a sewing machine and to hand stich that trim would take forever!! 

I was able to get the knobs for the dresser painted white and put on the drawers.  I'm happy with the turnout!  I wasn't going to paint the mirror that comes with the dresser, but, Will talked me into it.  So, that part of the dresser is on my to-do list. And, I think his idea will turn out quite nicely!  And then, BabyB will be able to laugh at him or herself by looking in the mirror after waking up for a nap J  hehe.
 Still only halfway on BabyB's blankey I'm crocheting… I've been busy crocheting other items for other babies.  Here is one example: I sent Baby Adelie (STILL in mommy's belly, but should be popping gout any day now!) my first pair of baby leggings!!  They match her hat I made and sent to her a couple weeks back. 
And, another, a gender neutral hat, without flower (boy) and with flower (for a girl).  I'll probably add a button or two to the hats if BabyB is a boy and wear the flower myself somehow for matching baby and mama days!!  
hat for baby boy and flower for mama ;)

baby hat for girl!
Movement?  BabyB has begun to move more throughout the day!  I haven't been woken up to any crazy movements yet, but I do notice when I turn over and move, BabyB starts moving, probably to get comfortable just like I'm doing!  I've experienced the baby's biggest movement yet so far and daddy was able to feel it too!  It really was crazy!

Miss anything? Daddy says "your belly is SO big!" and "I'm getting used to you being pregnant, and you are cute, but, I miss your tiny little waist!"  haha.  I never appreciated my body shape pre-pregnancy so much in my life.  But, really love watching my body change as I grow this baby.
Food cravings?   Still the same old yogurt, milk, dairy, all fruits.   Of course chocolate.  Been wanting some angel food cake lately and eating it quite a bit with whipped cream and fruit. Good think it's a low fat option!  Still order BLT's when there is an opportunity.
Gender:  it's a mystery!  I met some new neighbors this week, and they said "you're having a boy aren't you?"  …even people I don't know think BabyB is a lil boy.
Belly button in or out?  Flat, still, but peaking out a little bit. 
Wedding rights on or off?  On! 
Mood:  Good!  Positive, but have been a little tired  and just want to be lazy attitude lately (although I don't relax and be lazy like I should sometimes)
Looking forward to:  I really want to meet Baby Adelie and snuggle her!  Mommy says she's probably already almost 9lbs already and still in mommy's belly!  WOAH!  Any day now!
Fitness Report: staying active, but not walking/running as much as I told myself I'd like to.
What I've learned:  Daddy should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat without a Doppler, just by putting his ear on my belly!  We haven't experienced it yet, but I'm thinking that would be super neat to hear!






22 Weeks in Grand Haven, MI
How far along? 22 Weeks!

Total weight gain/loss:  I’m not good at weighing myself at home, nordo I really have much confidence in what my scale at home tells me.  I’m always surprised when I hop on the scale at the DRs office.  I learned that in thenext 4 weeks, baby will double in weight, so I’ll probably feel a little heavier very soon!
Maternity clothes?   My favorites are still long maxi dresses and I can still get away with my belly band and my pre-pregnancy clothes.

Stretch marks?  Nope!
Highlights this week: 
Painting Furniture: I took the safest approach that I couldwithout limiting my option to paint furniture for baby B’s nursery: I chose LOW VOC LOW ODOR Primer, and a heavy duty face mask for paint odor and sanding painted surfaces.  I also painted outside in our big pole barn where it was well ventilated. Will mentioned that he couldn’t even smell the primer, and he has a sensitive nose.  Safety First!  Because of all that precaution, I have a clear conscious and won’t worry aboutthe what-ifs.   And, I had so much fun! Iwas bold and creative and adopted cousin Jacee’s idea by painting the drawers a different color (the same color as the walls in the nursery- Gecko Green).  I painted a dresser that I inherited from my grandma after she passed away.  She’d be proud of the new face on it and that I’m still using it.  Here it is, not completely finished, I still need to paint the drawer knobs/handles and put them back on, but I’m really happy with the way it turned out!


BEFORE (drawers in backround)
Almost complete!  Just needs knobs!
New baby items : I found the blanket pattern that I’m going to use to crochet for baby, got my yarn and started it!!  I’m about halfway done with the blanket, which means I get to share it with you all very soon!  It’s becoming very expensive.  I bought my yarn at a yarn shop and typically their quality of yarn runs better and more expensive.  I didn’t realize how many skeens of yarn this blanket would take, bought 5 and already ran out, so, I’ll be making trip two to grab more yarn here soon.

Movement?  YES!  More often now, nothing that is uncomfortable yet.  You can see the kicks through my shirt slightly at times too.  Sometimes, when the baby starts to kick, I’ll rub or pat where the baby kicked, and the baby will stop till I’m done, and then a few seconds after I stop the babykicks again.  Yep, mommy and baby play games together already!!    Will is having fun catching some kicks too!
 I’m glad he can finally feel them and experience the fun with me.  Baby mostly kicks around 9am and 10:30pm right now. I’m convinced Baby sleeps the rest of the day, and during the night right now.  A friend told me to pay attention to baby’s kicks because you can guess that pattern might be similar to baby’s sleep pattern after being born.
Miss anything? Doing yard work without feeling like I got hit by a train the next day.  Bending over and balancing is a whole new cup of tea when you have a baby in your belly.  I planted sunflowers this week (first time ever…always wanted my own sunflowers, so hopefully they’ll grow big and tall and bloom so pretty!!)  I also planted some perennials given to me by a coworker and a neighbor! Will has been helping me pick up my piles of weeds and throw them on the compost pile. He’s also finding and moving these huge rocks and using them for pretty landscape.   Yay for a pretty yard we can enjoy!
Food cravings?  Still the same old yogurt, milk, dairy, all fruits.   I still choose BLTs if they areavailable (this baby is gonna LOVE bacon!). And, of course chocolate.
Gender:  we don’t know for sure but I did another gender predictor this week:
My mom and dad both think boy, mainly because how I’m carrying so far (low and out front). 
Belly button in or out? Flat, still.  And, that thing is super sensitive so don’t try to tickle me there or anything, WILLIAM HENRY BURNS V (daddy)!!  That feeling is worse than nails across a chalk board…  I’m all about other people grabbing my belly, long as they don’t touch the heart of my belly button!

Wedding rights on or off? On! 
Mood:  Positive and happy.
Looking forward to:  FL with the girls!!!  We’re going for Natalie’s bachelorette party!  I can’t wait to document the whole weekend completely sober! It should be a super fun time and a nice getaway in some beautiful weather rockingaBIGbelly!!!

Also looking forward to the arrival of baby Adelie! She’s still cooking in mommy’s belly, evenafter we went to Grand Haven to try and walk her out last weekend!www.ittybittybabybeck.blogspot.com 

I don't even look pregnant compared to Jacee's ready to pop belly!
Fitness Report:   I’ve been trying to run/walk more during theweek and Will will come along with me too, and run my pace with me (a lilslower than pre-pregnancy).  I’ve reallythought hard about how I’m going to complete a half marathon during thispregnancy, and it doesn’t look likely, unfortunately.  WAAA.  Ireally wanted to say that I ran a half marathon during my first pregnancy (haha),but I know I won’t feel any less of a runner if I don’t.  There have been too many breaks in my fitnesspattern lately that every time I get back into it it’s really tough (my bellyis getting bigger).  I just don’t want toput myself into labor any earlier or put unnecessary stress on the baby.  Who knows if that would happen, but mywhat-ifs have been kicking in.  I will stillrun and walk a ton, just not 13.1 miles. J  There, now that that is off of my chest…
What I’ve learned: 
I learned all about painting furniture!   This dresser was my first time ever painting furniture and I learned a lot!  I learned that primer is your friend for already finished wood if you don’t have a hand sander.  I learned that hand sanding finished wood won’t get you far at all. I learned that there is no primer with ZERO VOC, but there are low VOC and low odor options, AND that the VOC in paint has improved compared to paint many many years ago (safer).  I did some reading on painting and priming while pregnant and there are no direct links between VOC and health problems with infants. But, common sense tells you, fumes aren’t good for ANYONE to inhale.  
A waitress  from a nearby café told me about her pregnancy experience, she has a 9 month old baby. It was comforting to hear that her pregnancy was as easy as mine so farand that her labor was amazing.  She gave me some helpful advice including: “don’t ever say never” She said she had a plan about how she’d raise her first child and it just didn’t start out that way, and she is completely OK with it.  So, although I have an idea of how I’d like things to go, I’m happy that I have an open mind and should be able to easily adjust.