

Actually taken 6.10.13
How far along? 23 weeks!  Creeping up to 6 months here soon!
Total weight gain/loss:  haven't gained much, about 4lbs according to my scale.
Maternity clothes?   Long maxi dresses J …and I need more to rotate through!  Glad it's summertime and I can get away with wearing them.  May have to invest in a bigger swimsuit top (and bras) …like yesterday!   I'm used to washing my 2 pairs of work pants that fit well, a couple times a week so I can wear them again and again (rather than invest in maternity work pants) but this week we had a power outage for a couple of days and wasn't able to keep up on the laundry like normal.  So, I wore many pairs of jeans to work this week.  I find myself using the hair tie extender method more lately.  The belly band works too, mostly to lengthen my shirts so you can't notice that my pants are unzipped and unbuttoned.

Stretch marks?  Nope! J
Highlights this week:   FL with the girls for Natalie's bachelorette party was a blast considering that the weather was not so hot due to Tropical Storm Andrea!  I planned on staying for 4 days, but only made it 2 (one night) due to the lack of sleep I was getting (HA…what was I thinking?? Did I really think I'd be sleeping during a bachelorette party?!)…anyway, it really caught up with me super fast.  I thought I could be a trooper and keep up prior to the trip but I was wrong!  I knew if I stayed I would have really taken a toll downhill…and wasn't looking forward to a cold while pregnant.  So, I made a decision to head home early and I was fortunate to be able to switch my flight to an earlier one, at no additional cost.   Thanks Delta Airlines!!  There were no hard feelings, I missed the girls the rest of the weekend , but was able to catch up on some rest that this growing baby needs. 

New baby items: I purchased a crib skirt!  It's white and ruffly.  I may or may not keep it.  I bought it because it was easier than making one…but I may become ambitious and want to make my own…we'll see.  And, I was thinking…if the baby is a boy, will the ruffles be too girly?  Should I care?  After all, it's a baby's room, not a teenager's yet… 

I decided to add some color and texture to the nursery by adding homemade curtains instead of using a closet door.  So far I love them way more than a big bulky door.  You'll have to excuse the missing trim, that project is yet to be mastered ;).   The curtains were pretty fun and easy to make.  I bought fabric that I liked and used an iron and some no-sew bonding tape for fabric for the trim.  I'll be using that bonding tape more often because I don't own a sewing machine and to hand stich that trim would take forever!! 

I was able to get the knobs for the dresser painted white and put on the drawers.  I'm happy with the turnout!  I wasn't going to paint the mirror that comes with the dresser, but, Will talked me into it.  So, that part of the dresser is on my to-do list. And, I think his idea will turn out quite nicely!  And then, BabyB will be able to laugh at him or herself by looking in the mirror after waking up for a nap J  hehe.
 Still only halfway on BabyB's blankey I'm crocheting… I've been busy crocheting other items for other babies.  Here is one example: I sent Baby Adelie (STILL in mommy's belly, but should be popping gout any day now!) my first pair of baby leggings!!  They match her hat I made and sent to her a couple weeks back. 
And, another, a gender neutral hat, without flower (boy) and with flower (for a girl).  I'll probably add a button or two to the hats if BabyB is a boy and wear the flower myself somehow for matching baby and mama days!!  
hat for baby boy and flower for mama ;)

baby hat for girl!
Movement?  BabyB has begun to move more throughout the day!  I haven't been woken up to any crazy movements yet, but I do notice when I turn over and move, BabyB starts moving, probably to get comfortable just like I'm doing!  I've experienced the baby's biggest movement yet so far and daddy was able to feel it too!  It really was crazy!

Miss anything? Daddy says "your belly is SO big!" and "I'm getting used to you being pregnant, and you are cute, but, I miss your tiny little waist!"  haha.  I never appreciated my body shape pre-pregnancy so much in my life.  But, really love watching my body change as I grow this baby.
Food cravings?   Still the same old yogurt, milk, dairy, all fruits.   Of course chocolate.  Been wanting some angel food cake lately and eating it quite a bit with whipped cream and fruit. Good think it's a low fat option!  Still order BLT's when there is an opportunity.
Gender:  it's a mystery!  I met some new neighbors this week, and they said "you're having a boy aren't you?"  …even people I don't know think BabyB is a lil boy.
Belly button in or out?  Flat, still, but peaking out a little bit. 
Wedding rights on or off?  On! 
Mood:  Good!  Positive, but have been a little tired  and just want to be lazy attitude lately (although I don't relax and be lazy like I should sometimes)
Looking forward to:  I really want to meet Baby Adelie and snuggle her!  Mommy says she's probably already almost 9lbs already and still in mommy's belly!  WOAH!  Any day now!
Fitness Report: staying active, but not walking/running as much as I told myself I'd like to.
What I've learned:  Daddy should be able to hear the baby's heartbeat without a Doppler, just by putting his ear on my belly!  We haven't experienced it yet, but I'm thinking that would be super neat to hear!