
Boy or Girl?

Let the debate begin!   

Well, the Chinese calendar from www.thebump.com predicts that this baby is a GIRL.  It's predicted by the month you concieve and mommy's age.  Nothing from daddy in this prediction is factored in.  I'm hopeful, but not completely convinced by this prediction.  It's been fun exploring baby girl names.  I have a list of 15 girl names that I like for first name and middle name - but there a just a couple that I'm stuck on right now.  I wonder how Will will react to my taste in girl names!?  We'll battle that journey when the baby's sex is revealed!  It's a given what our first baby boy's name will be: William Henry Burns VI (the sixth). Yes, I'll probally want to know the sex of the baby when that time comes.  And, no I don't think we will keep it a secret. Not for our first, anyway. 

Will's sisters, both Tesia and Mollie, have always said I'm going to have the girls in the family.  I know for a fact that Will would be geeked to have a son.  The other day he asked me "How early can you ask your kids to start carrying in wood to the house?"  As much as I love spending time outdoors with him, reality is he's out in the garage and in the woods by himself more often than I am out there with him.  You know he'd love some company, not saying that a girl couldn't fufill that role.  Anyway, Will has been pretty unbiased on the sex, he just says that he wants the baby to be healthy.

Chinese calendar from www.babyzone.com predicts that this baby is a BOY. It was predicted by the mother's birthdate and the month the baby was concieved, matchin the lunar age with the lunar month the baby was concieved.