

How far along? I'm not really sure. I have counters and tickers from 4 differnet places and they all tell me something different. I think right now I'm between 11 and 12 weeks. I'll find out more next week on March 26 at my dating ultrasound that I am SUPER excited for.  I'm hoping the baby looks more like a baby and less like a dinosaur or a blob.  I think baby is the size of a lime this week...I bought one this week grocery shopping.  I'd say baby is a pretty significant size right now. I can't believe that I'm already 3 months pregnant.

Total weight gain/loss:  My scale isn't the most reliable, but it looks like I haven't gained or lost any weight. Although, if you look at my belly, you'd guess I gained 3-4 pounds.  3-4 pounds is what you should gain in the first tri-mester. Then, from Month 4 to Month 8 you should gain a pound per week.

Maternity clothes? I haven't purchased any maternity clothes yet. My work pants are pretty tight, however.  I am past the point of "sucking it in" anymore.  I'd like to try and avoid purchasing maternity clothes/clothes that I can't wear after the baby is born.  I'm happy that most of my pregnancy will be during the spring/summer/early fall so I can wear dresses or long comfortable skirts.  I'm planning to purchase some leggings too!  Anyone have any suggestions, please pass them along!
Stretch marks? nada now and hoping nada ever
Best moment this week: I got to snuggle baby Iris (Bill and Teresa's new 8 week old) all weekend! And, I loved to watch Will practice holding her and feeling comfortable holding a baby.
Miss Anything? Enjoying a glass of wine.

Food cravings: I've had peppermint cravings earlier in my pregnancy, orange sherbert, of course chocolate (but that happens even when I'm not pregnant).  I crave fresh peppers (yellow, and green mostly) and fresh fruits and veggies more than I used to.  Lemon water is my new favorite beverage (sorry, white wine!). Greek yogurt (plain) with honey and shaved almonds is another favorite.  Cereal (rice krispies or cheerios) is a safe hunger filler.  I'll choose to eat things like A-1 sauce with my meat now when I have really never been a fan of it.  I used to like eating mushrooms (raw or cooked) now I'll pick them out of my salad.

Anything making you queasy or sick:
nope!  I'm pretty lucky here.
Have you started to show yet: I say I'm showing, but it's not much of a baby bump, its more of my belly sticking out because my uterus is getting bigger and pushing everything up.  I certainly can't suck this gut in like I used to be able to.  I can't wait until there is a REAL bump...a bump worth showing!

Gender: Still too early to find out, but we are finding out the gender – and I can’t wait!
Belly Button in or out? In! Kind of anxious to see my belly ring get tighter!  I'm going to try and keep it in as long as I can stand it.
Wedding rings on or off? On! BLING BLING!  Well except for Will...he's been experiencing some bloating lately... (j/k, he does occasionally choose not to wear his rings, although it doesn't bother me that much, I still try to give him a hard time.  I'm glad he doesn't wear it when he's working with tools, but he says that the ring is uncomfortable at times)
Mood: Happy and content!!  But, tired!

Looking forward to: Telling Will's dad, sister, her husband, and their son (Will's nephew) this weekend that we are expecting!  They are coming over for a "birthday dinner"  Will's B-day was in Jan, his sister's was in Feb and his dad's was in March.  Then, we're going to tell my mom, step-dad, sisters and 2 brothers on Easter weekend.  I am hoping to also stop by my Dad's Easter weekend too and share the news with him, my step-mom and brother and sister. THEN we'll spread the news to our grandpas, grandmas, aunts, uncles, wedding party and some other close friends. Then, FINALLY post the news on Facebook for our friends and extended family to see.  It's been a process trying to plan this all out, and I'm hoping everyone we tell can keep it a secret until we make it public.  It's been hard for us to keep this on the DL, can you imagine how excited grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, etc. will be and how hard that will be to not share with anyone??  It's impossible to spread the word to everyone the same way, but I'm hoping that everyone will appreciate the ways we choose to share the news with them.  I'll make sure to post the excitement... which will hopefully be posted before you view this blog.  
Fitness report: UGH I feel like I'm going backwards in my fitness.  I feel completely sluggish...and have to run at a slower than usual pace to get a 30 min run in.  I feel fatigued and uncomfortable - to you marathoners out there, its like running at mile 24.  After my run though, I feel great! I hope that this is just a phase. I do enjoy the yoga class every Tuesday.  I wish they offered the class more often.
What I've learned: If you forget to put gym socks in your gym bag, you don't have to skip your workout!  Especially if you wear nylon knee high socks, they work just fine!  Yes, this week I wore my knee high black nylon socks from work to run in.  I did one time go sockless because I forgot my socks, and that was a major NO-NO...blisters galore!!   I wouldn't recommending running a marathon in nylon socks but if you're getting a 4 mile run in, they'll do.  If you don't have any socks, do some yoga - no socks required.  You'd be suprised how nice people are if you forget an item at the gym.  Sometimes I'll bring two pairs of socks or sports bras in my gym bag, to change into after my work out. If someone in the locker room asked if anyone had an extra pair, I'd gladly let them borrow my extra items. There is nothing worse than getting to the gym all motivated to work out and forgetting an essential item.  The front desk attendant loaned me his lock for the locker room this week!  I was willing to purchase one but they were all out.  I really enjoy the gym I use: Sherman Lake YMCA in Augusta, MI.  If anyone is from the Battle Creek, Galesburg, Augusta, Richland area...it's the place to be!

Baby's room!!!...Work in Progress!

The Start...can't wait for that carpet to be GONE!
FINALLY that yucky carpet is all gone!!!